Quoting Jonas Smedegaard (2019-02-12 19:38:57)
> [ adding d-devel@ to the discussion ]
> Quoting Linda Lapinlampi (2019-02-12 18:51:39)
> > The Matrix.org Debian package repository distributes digitally signed
> > releases of Matrix.org related packages. This package contains the
> > archive k
[ adding d-devel@ to the discussion ]
Quoting Linda Lapinlampi (2019-02-12 18:51:39)
> The Matrix.org Debian package repository distributes digitally signed
> releases of Matrix.org related packages. This package contains the
> archive key used to verify those files, required by apt(8).
I belie
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Andrej Shadura
Hash: SHA256
* Package name: libldac
Version : 2.0.2
Upstream Author : Sony Corporation
* URL : https://android.googlesource.com/platform/external/libldac
peter green writes ("Re: Recreating history of a package"):
> https://github.com/plugwash/autoforwardportergit/blob/master/pooltogit will
> take dscs in a pool structure and import them into git repos (one per source
> package) using dgit, building the history based on the changelogs. It can
> e
On Mon, 2019-01-21 at 21:46 +, Ben Hutchings wrote:
> On Mon, 2019-01-21 at 20:49 +, Andy Simpkins wrote:
> [...]
> > Should we add to or change the possible entropy sources?
> [...]
> Yes, we should (by default) enable use of available hardware RNGs to
> produce entropy and if none is a
Package: wnpp
Severity: normal
TL;DR: xen-tools could need a new upstream _and_ package maintainer who
is using it more often than I do nowadays.
2.5 years ago I changed to a different team at work where
Andreas Tille writes ("Re: Hierarchical tasksel / Blends support (Was: Debian
Installer Buster Alpha 5 release)"):
> That's really relieving for me to hear since I was scared about the need
> to learn Perl to a way higher level than the basics I have and I admit
> there are lots of tasks on my des
I've commited a first rough packaging attemt for rethinkdb to Salsa[1].
It should be no means maintained by the Debian Med team but since it is
a predependency of my final target augur[2] I simply started in the med
team space on salsa. I'd be happy if any volunteer would pick up this
work an
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Reinhard Tartler
* Package name: golang-github-ulikunitz-xz
Version : 0.5.5-1
Upstream Author : Ulrich Kunitz
* URL : https://github.com/ulikunitz/xz
* License : 3-clause BSD
Programming Lang: Go
Description : P
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Michael Fladischer
Hash: SHA512
* Package name: python-periphery
Version : 1.1.1
Upstream Author : Ivan (Vanya) A. Sergeev
* URL : https://github.com/vsergeev/python-periphery/
* License
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