OpenNT... from the top of my head I don't remember what their www pages
are.. but OpenNT allows you to 'telnet' into an NT system and run
programs as if on a console window. It is a commercial package.

FYI.. clarifying Mariusz statement... samba allows NT/95/MS clients to
access your linux box..... smbfs is the vice versa of that.


On 2 Dec 1997, Ben Pfaff wrote:

> Mariusz Pagowski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > I learned about samba package allowing me to access disks
> > on NT machine from unix/linux. But does samba allow me
> > to login/telnet to NT machine from linux/unix and run remotely
> > a program on it? If not is there some software which would allow 
> > me to do it?
> No, it doesn't.  There might exist software to do this, but it's
> likely expensive and commercial.
> -- 
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