The .ps Files are included by dvips during his run as part of the
lpd magicfilter. This process runs in a other directory (the spool
directory). Xdvi runs in your working directory. The use of
magicfilter makes no sense if you want to reference other files from
your print file (like .ps files from .dvi).

If you like to include the .ps files from magicfilter, then you must
refence them by absolute names, like
/home/somebody/work/latex/doc1/ in your LaTeX-source.
This has the disadvantage of not beeing portable, this work onlyn on
systems, where magicfilter has access to home directory.

The prefered way ist to run dvips in your working directory (e.g. done
by AuCTeX) and feed the PostScript output to lpd. The command to do this
is 'dvips -f file.dvi | lpr'.


On Sat, 10 Jan 1998, Britton wrote:
> dvips is invoked by magic filter, but the new LaTeX includes standard
> packages for including ps graphics.  The .dvi docs for the graphics
> package say some additional commands (besides including the graphics
> package) may be needed to tell LaTeX what driver you are using (dvips in
> this case) since colors and graphics are really implemented there.
> Magicfilter has a feature called fpipe which the magicfilter docs state as
> being useful for 'programs which require seekable input, such as dvips, or
> which need to do multiple passes over an input file, such as grog'.  I
> have once read something in the Linux Journal about using multiple passes
> to get embedded ps images to print right.  I'll have to dig that up again,
> because for me the the images get left out, while all the text (including
> captions) appears.  The pictures appear when previewing with xdvi though.
> What goes on exactly I do not know.

> Britton

Hubert Weikert   DB1MQ   Member of DARC ( and FITUG (
Book: Kryptographie mit dem Computer (PGP Praxis) ISBN 3-7905-1503-5  DM 19,80
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