J.H.M.Dassen writes:
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> #!/usr/bin/perl
> @array=(
> "item1 4 units",
> "item2 1.5 units",
> "item3 8 units + see item2"
> );
> foreach (@array) {
>       if( ($item_name,$amount,$unit,$delimiter,$moreinfo)=
>               /^(\w+)\s*([\d\.]+)\s*(\w+)\s*(\+|$)\s*(.*)/) {
>               $total+=$amount;
>               }
>       }
> $Total=$total;
> print "total=$total\n";
> print "Total=$Total\n";
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> Output from perl-5.001-5:
> total=13.5
> Total=13.5000000003576
> Output from perl-5.001-3:
> total=13.5
> Total=13.5000000005364

No problem here, OS/2, 486/66x2 (1.5 years old).

It would help if you report the version of perl (perl -v) (there is no
such guy as 5.001-5), OS, compiler. Run myconfig.


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