In addition, if kandata is legal, he don't like
that we distribute kandata under such a unclear situation.
So, I decided that I wait his work. I'll make kandata package
after the problem will be removed.
Takashi Okamoto
At Sat, 21 Apr 2001 23:07:42 +,
Takashi Okamoto wrote:
> Sure, but in the fact I judged by document in kandata distribution.
> It says:
> (kandata font is included various fonts)
> --
> [Watanabe mincho]
> > --- Watanabe font Copyright notice
Package: wnpp
Serverity: ITP
Jakarta Regexp is one of regular expression library for Java.
It's simpler than Jakarta ORO.
LICENSE: Apache Software License 1.1(BSD style)
Takashi Okamoto
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