
i just realized that /etc/shadow are mode 644 (owned by root:root) on
two of my systems. (Another two machines are not affected, however)

i'm sure this change was not made manually, but have no clue what
could have caused it.
a grep in /var/lib/dpkg/info didn't show anything.

anyone got this, too?

machines are:

1. old potato machine
(routing+filtering, proxy, afbackup)                    [not affected]

2. newer, but not up-to-date potato machine 
(apache, qmail, with shellaccouts for users)            [AFFECTED]

3. up-to-date potato machine
(routing, samba+proftp fileserver)                      [not affected]

4. up-to-date woody machine
(personal workstation, X, gnome, devel)                 [AFFECTED]

the only thing i realise these machines have in common:
machines 1+3 are mainly accessed with ssh-rsa keys and are using
pam_unix for other authenication,
2+4 use pam_pwdb and are frequently accessed without rsa-keys

but i could not reproduce the problem so far

any ideas?

CU,               / Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen, Germany
Martin Waitz    //  [Tali on IRCnet]  [tali.home.pages.de] _________
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dies ist eine manuell generierte mail, sie beinhaltet    //
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