Bug# 2032: Printer stuck.
Bug# 2036: Print screen button non-functional.

This posting: Bug# 2032 only.
Bug# 2032: Printer stuck.

Presenting symptoms: "bash: /dev/lp0: No such device", also lp1, lp2.

At boots, the AMIBIOS System Configuration chart pops up just before
checking for cache memory and loading MS-DOS, Linux, whatever.
I just happened to notice during a boot to reinstall the Linux system
(again) that the "Parallel Port(s): 378" entry had CHANGED to "None"!

I have only one parallel port, my HP Deskjet 500 is on it.

I went on to finish the Linux install, the "lp" module SELECTED.

Now, when I press the computer RESET button,
AMIBIOS: "Parallel Port(s): 378".
If I then boot MS-DOS, the '500 works fine.

If I then boot Linux, after the MS-DOS session,
AMIBIOS: "Parallel Port(s): 378". Fine.

As Linux loads and runs it eventually says,
"lp_init: no lp devices found"! Not fine.

At the login prompt, then, a CRTL-ALT-DEL produces:
AMIBIOS: "Parallel Port(s): None"!

The '500 won't work in MS-DOS, either, with AMIBIOS in this condition.
Pushing the computer RESET button is the only action I've found that
will get AMIBIOS to see the 378 again.

That brings us full circle. We've been running around in CIRCLES!

# ls -ls lp* |mor
0 crw-rw----   1 root     lp         6,   0 Dec 29 04:14 lp
0 crw-rw----   1 root     lp         6,   1 Dec 29 04:14 lp
0 crw-rw----   1 root     lp         6,   2 Dec 29 04:14 lp

# lsmo
Module:        #pages:  Used by
nfs               1

# rmmod l
# lsmo
Module:        #pages:  Used by
nfs               1

# insmod -v l
reading 36 symbols
external bss size =
total module size =   434
textseg  -> 0x00012000, size =   418
dataseg  -> 0x0001305c, size =    15
bss1seg  -> 0x000130f8, size =
bss2seg  -> 0x000130f8, size =
versioned kernel: ye
versioned module: ye
a.out kerne
a.out modul

# lsmo
Module:        #pages:  Used by
nfs               1

# lsmod >/dev/lp0
bash: /dev/lp0: No such device

# lsmod >/dev/lp1
bash: /dev/lp1: No such device

# lsmod >/dev/lp2
bash: /dev/lp2: No such device

# cat version
Linux version 1.2.13 ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) (gcc version 2.6.3) #4 Sun Nov 2
15:07:59 PST 199

# cat meminf
total:   used:    free:   shared:  buffers
Mem:   3506176  3170304   335872  2265088  110182
Swap: 17805312        0 1780531

# cat sta
cpu  992 0 2425 27661
disk 1 1155 0
page 2061 43
swap 1
intr 282369 280036 1015 0 5 137 0 1 0 0 0 0 1174 0 1 0
ctxt 449
btime 82025596

# cat loadav
0.03 0.02 0.00 1/1

# more devices
Character devices:
1 mem
4 ttyp
5 cua
6 lp
7 vcs
10 mouse
21 sg
Block devices:
2 fd
8 sd
23 mcd

# more interrupts     NOTE: LPT IRQ 7 is missing. IRQ 5 is jumper selectable
0:    64226   timer
1:      358   keyboard
2:        0 + cascade
11:     1056   aha1542
13:        1   math error

# more cpuinfo
cpu             : 38
model           : Unknow
mask            : Unknow
vid             : Unknow
fdiv_bug        : n
math            : ye
hlt             : ye
wp              : n
Integrated NPU  : n
Enhanced VM86   : n
IO Breakpoints  : n
4MB Pages       : n
TS Counters     : n
Pentium MSR     : n
Mach. Ch. Exep. : n
CMPXCHGB8B      : n
BogoMips        : 8.0

# cat dma
4: cascade
5: aha1542

# cat ioports           NOTE: Should the parallel port be listed here? Is it
0000-001f : dma
0020-003f : pic1
0040-005f : timer
0060-0060 : kbd
0064-0064 : kbd
0070-007f : rtc
0080-009f : dma page reg
00a0-00bf : pic2
00c0-00df : dma2
00f0-00f1 : npu
00f8-00ff : npu
02f8-02ff : serial(set)
0330-0333 : aha1542
03b4-03b5 : ega+
03f8-03ff : serial(set)

<# more ksyms
0081a060 _lp_table      [lp
00817074 _slip_init     [slip
00814024 _dummy_init    [dummy
008082b4 _nfs_proc_getattr      [nfs
0080aa6c _nfs_rpc_call  [nfs
00808424 _nfs_proc_setattr      [nfs
008085a4 _nfs_proc_lookup       [nfs
008087d4 _nfs_proc_readlink     [nfs
00808974 _nfs_proc_read [nfs
00808bb4 _nfs_proc_write        [nfs
00808da4 _nfs_proc_create       [nfs
00808fd4 _nfs_proc_remove       [nfs
008091a4 _nfs_proc_rename       [nfs
008093e4 _nfs_proc_link [nfs
008095d4 _nfs_proc_symlink      [nfs
00809814 _nfs_proc_mkdir        [nfs
00809a44 _nfs_proc_rmdir        [nfs
00809c34 _nfs_proc_readdir      [nfs
00809e44 _nfs_proc_statfs       [nfs
0080abec _nfs_read_super        [nfs
0080af5c _nfs_fhget     [nfs
0080ca88 _nfs_refresh_inode     [nfs
0080cf4c _nfs_mmap      [nfs
0080d0d0 _nfs_file_inode_operations     [nfs
0080d110 _num_requests  [nfs
0080d114 _num_cache_hits        [nfs
0080d1dc _nfs_dir_inode_operations      [nfs
0080d22c _nfs_symlink_inode_operations  [nfs
0080d26c _nfs_file_mmap [nfs
00000001 _Using_Version
0011bee0 _rename_module_symbol_Rb81c73c
0011cb60 _register_symtab_Re910ea6
001e4f14 _EISA_bus_R7e37737
001e4f12 _wp_works_ok_Rf37f99e
001143cc _pcibios_present_Ra67d065
001143dc _pcibios_find_class_R124ec11
0011443c _pcibios_find_device_R3797dae
001144ac _pcibios_read_config_byte_Re0437e0
001144ec _pcibios_read_config_word_Rc63f677
0011452c _pcibios_read_config_dword_Rfa4d9b8
001147dc _pcibios_strerror_Rdf12302
0011456c _pcibios_write_config_byte_Rd86a2e5
001145ac _pcibios_write_config_word_Rfd8433c
001145ec _pcibios_write_config_dword_R8a42e2c
00120818 _verify_area_R4cfda56
001232f0 _do_mmap_R677e7ee
00123ea0 _do_munmap_R6221f11
0011fd68 _zeromap_page_range_R7c395a2
0011fba8 _unmap_page_range_R0110085
00124110 _insert_vm_struct_R1f4e488
00124230 _merge_segments_R6854be5
00122474 ___get_free_pages_R5243d78
001222b4 _free_pages_R9644885
001251a8 _kmalloc_Rd31fb2c
00125518 _kfree_s_R1e72eb7
00125c44 _vmalloc_R667f3e2
00125bc4 _vfree_R6df52ad
00130ce0 _getname_R8148715
00130e10 _putname_Rb19e812
00127dc8 ___iget_Ree2b632
00127a08 _iput_R59241ce
00131350 _namei_R00478bc
00131300 _lnamei_Rfcfddbb
001313a0 _open_namei_R414b2b0
00126b30 _close_fp_R1d4c15d
001283e0 _check_disk_change_Rb66ed45
00128b44 _invalidate_buffers_Rc65255f
00128a64 _fsync_dev_Ra221190
00130e20 _permission_R0ebf747
00127738 _inode_setattr_R0c80a3c
00127638 _inode_change_ok_R5d1cb32
00124808 _generic_mmap_Rd4ff59f
00128dd4 _set_blocksize_Rf45fda3
001295e4 _getblk_Rd40228a
00129f54 _bread_Rc73bf0f
0012a004 _breada_Reb8e858
00129ec4 _brelse_R4c27ac3
0017d660 _ll_rw_block_Rf3aa4dd
001286f4 ___wait_on_buffer_Re8fcc96
00134128 _dcache_lookup_R8333656
00134288 _dcache_add_Rfe71f11
00128150 _register_chrdev_Rda99513
001282b0 _unregister_chrdev_R61ea5ee
00128200 _register_blkdev_R4699a62
00128330 _unregister_blkdev_Rd39bbca
001818a0 _tty_register_driver_Rfcc8591
00181910 _tty_unregister_driver_Rc78132a
0021a310 _tty_std_termios_Rcf35067
0012db88 _block_read_Ra7fe4f5
0012d528 _block_write_R902674c
0012e1d8 _block_fsync_R182888d
001eda20 _wait_for_request_R9ca2932
001ede24 _blksize_size_Rdea1eb5
001edf24 _hardsect_size_Red1ee14
001edd24 _blk_size_Rf60b539
001edb24 _blk_dev_Rdbf5fdd
0017ce90 _is_read_only_Rb0c5f83
0017ced0 _set_device_ro_R8fb69e1
00127828 _bmap_R73bb8bd
00128a34 _sync_dev_R9bca536
001280f0 _get_blkfops_R8382779
001865f8 _register_serial_R3425f38
001867a8 _unregister_serial_Rc013d71
0017f610 _tty_hangup_Re3487df
001867f8 _tty_wait_until_sent_Rda85d42
0017f270 _tty_check_change_R705eaab
0017f650 _tty_hung_up_p_Rf99ac1e
0012c1b8 _register_filesystem_R1c7110e
0012c238 _unregister_filesystem_R5e353af
0012e708 _register_binfmt_R66ece70
0012e758 _unregister_binfmt_R4182261
00119e80 _lookup_exec_domain_R32f10d4
00119ed0 _register_exec_domain_Reda4711
00119f20 _unregister_exec_domain_R78ea447
00112cc0 _request_irq_R9e81629
00112e40 _free_irq_Rf487dc0
00111930 _enable_irq_R54e09f5
001118e0 _disable_irq_Rb4449c1
001e8ba0 _bh_active_R98fb5ca
001e8ba4 _bh_mask_R1abf3d3


The above reflects the observations of myself only, unless stated otherwise.

Eddie Maddox, Amateur Lobbyist      "Great spirits have always encountered
[EMAIL PROTECTED]             violent opposition from mediocre minds."
P.O. Box 75321
St Paul MN 55175-0321                                       Albert Einstein

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