Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Emmanuel QUEMENER <>

* Package name    : gotoblas2
  Version         : 1.13
  Upstream Author : Emmanuel QUEMENER <>
* URL             :
* License         : BSD
  Programming Lang: C
  Description     : GotoBLAS2 is on of the fastest implementations of the Basic 
Linear Algebra Subroutines.

The GotoBLAS codes are currently the fastest implementations of the Basic 
Linear Algebra Subroutines (formelly BLAS). Actually, GOTO is the developer's
last name and does not mean "go to." (Nor is it pronounced "go to"; the 
correct pronunciation is "goh-toe.")

The advantage is fast calculation. Note that the actual performance depends in
part on the code from which you call the GotoBLAS subroutine(s) and on the
combination of architecture and operating system under which you are running.
Your own tuning here can make a big difference.

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