Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Lars Wirzenius <>

* Package name    : python-larch
  Version         : 0.19
  Upstream Author : Lars Wirzenius <>
* URL             :
* License         : GPL
  Programming Lang: Python
  Description     : B-tree library for Python

An implementation of a particular kind of B-tree, based on research
by Ohad Rodeh. This is the same data structure that btrfs uses, but
in a new, pure-Python implementation.
The distinctive feature of this B-tree is that a node is never (conceptually)
modified. Instead, all updates are done by copy-on-write. This makes it
easy to clone a tree, and modify only the clone, while other processes
access the original tree.
The implementation is generic and flexible, so that you may use it in
a variety of situations. For example, the tree itself does not decide
where its nodes are stored: you provide a class that does that for it.
The library contains two implementations, one for in-memory and one
for on-disk storage.

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