Package: rsync
Severity: minor
Version: 3.0.9-4

On Sun, 12 May 2013, Philip Hands wrote:
> The current state of rsyncd is probably my fault (as initial packager
> of rsync). One _could_ have an rsyncd package, containing just a
> commented out example /etc/rsyncd.conf and the init.d script, but I
> don't really see the point. If ...ENABLE=false settings are banned in
> defaults files (as I've come to think they should be) then in the case
> of rsyncd, one could make the running of the daemon conditional on the
> existence of the $RSYNC_CONFIG_FILE file (which is not shipped in the
> package).

Right. For rsync, I think this is the right setup. If one does not have
a rsyncd.conf, there's no point in starting rsyncd, and if one creates
one, having to also figure out that you need to twiddle
/etc/default/rsync to set RSYNC_ENABLE=true (or stop the daemon if
you've somehow managed to start it) is rather annoying. This would
merely require commenting out the RSYNC_ENABLE in /etc/default/rsync,
and changing RSYNC_ENABLE=false to RSYNC_ENABLE=true in

I don't believe that getting rid of RSYNC_ENABLE completely is
necessary, as it permits someone to configure rsyncd out of inetd.

Don Armstrong            

Vimes hated and despised the privileges of rank, but they had this to
be said for them: At least they meant that you could hate and despise
them in comfort.
 -- Terry Pratchett _The Fifth Elephant_ p111

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