Package: wnpp
Severity: normal


TL;DR: xen-tools could need a new upstream _and_ package maintainer who
is using it more often than I do nowadays.

2.5 years ago I changed to a different team at work where I no more
maintain any hosting infrastructure. So the only places where I still
need and use xen-tools are on one server at home and one for voluntary
work in an association. But in both cases new DomUs are rather seldom,
i.e. only every other year or so.

On the other hand the amount of pull requests in the past few years
clearly shows that xen-tools is used and needed, and that especially
regular updates for supporting new Ubuntu releases is wanted.

The past 2.5 years with (upstream) releases only being prompted by
Debian freezes show clearly that I can't keep up with those needs and
expectations (and have different priorities).

So I'd be happy if others would take over the lead in maintaining
xen-tools, primarily upstream, but probably best also as Debian package
maintainer. I'll continue to contribute and can also continue to host
the website at and the (Mailman-based) mailing

And since I never managed to finish the rewrite of the original website
in something more maintainable than pure HTML, the new maintainer is not
only allowed but also encouraged to redo the website as he or she
prefers. Moving its hosting over to e.g. GitHub pages or similar, is
fine for me, too.

The primary upstream and package git repo is currently at

The website's git repo is currently at

The mailing lists including archives are at

For completeness, here are the current details of the binary and source

Package: xen-tools
Version: 4.8-1
Installed-Size: 704
Maintainer: Axel Beckert <>
Architecture: all
Depends: debootstrap | cdebootstrap, libconfig-inifiles-perl, 
libdata-validate-domain-perl, libdata-validate-ip-perl, 
libdata-validate-uri-perl, libfile-slurp-perl, libfile-which-perl, 
libsort-versions-perl, libterm-ui-perl | perl (<< 5.17.0), 
libtext-template-perl, openssh-client, perl
Recommends: debian-archive-keyring, e2fsprogs, libexpect-perl, lvm2, rinse (>= 
1.9.1-1), ubuntu-keyring | ubuntu-archive-keyring, xen-hypervisor, xen-utils
Suggests: btrfs-progs | btrfs-tools, cfengine2, grub-xen-host, reiserfsprogs, 
Description-en: Tools to manage Xen virtual servers
 This package contains tools to manage Debian based Xen virtual servers.
 Using the scripts you can easily create fully configured Xen guest
 domains (DomU) which can be listed, updated, or copied easily.
 xen-tools currently can install:
   * Debian 3.1 Sarge (i386 only)
   * Debian 4.0 Etch
   * Debian 5.0 Lenny
   * Debian 6.0 Squeeze
   * Debian 7 Wheezy
   * Debian 8 Jessie
   * Debian 9 Stretch
   * Debian 10 Buster (under development)
   * Debian 11 Bullseye (future release name)
   * Debian 12 Bookworm (future release name)
   * Debian Sid (Unstable)
   * Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper Drake (LTS)
   * Ubuntu 6.10 Edgy Eft
   * Ubuntu 7.04 Feisty Fawn
   * Ubuntu 7.10 Gutsy Gibbon
   * Ubuntu 8.04 Hardy Heron (LTS)
   * Ubuntu 8.10 Intrepid Ibex
   * Ubuntu 9.04 Jaunty Jackaplope
   * Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala
   * Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid Lynx (LTS)
   * Ubuntu 10.10 Maverick Meerkat
   * Ubuntu 11.04 Natty Narwhal
   * Ubuntu 11.10 Oneiric Ocelot
   * Ubuntu 12.04 Precise Pangolin (LTS)
   * Ubuntu 12.10 Quantal Quetzal
   * Ubuntu 13.04 Raring Ringtail
   * Ubuntu 13.10 Saucy Salamander
   * Ubuntu 14.04 Trusty Tahr (LTS)
   * Ubuntu 14.10 Utopic Unicorn
   * Ubuntu 15.04 Vivid Vervet
   * Ubuntu 15.10 Wily Werewolf
   * Ubuntu 16.04 Xenial Xerus (LTS)
   * Ubuntu 16.10 Yakkety Yak
   * Ubuntu 17.04 Zesty Zapus
   * Ubuntu 17.10 Artful Aardvark
   * Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic Beaver (LTS)
   * Ubuntu 18.10 Cosmic Cuttlefish
   * Ubuntu 19.04 Disco Dingo (preliminary support, under development)
   * CentOS 5
   * CentOS 6
Description-md5: c3da9eea0c66571fee394ecaba060312
Tag: admin::virtualization, devel::debian, implemented-in::perl,
 implemented-in::python, interface::commandline, role::program,
 scope::utility, suite::openstack, system::cloud, system::virtual
Section: utils
Priority: optional
Filename: pool/main/x/xen-tools/xen-tools_4.8-1_all.deb
Size: 142208
MD5sum: 2887ad18a2b5ee9fd4680306843d368e
SHA256: da2a3d5835a409bc8abe8ac390c05d1ac8dd91035cdff0b9eedc4d1c1ca17cba

Package: xen-tools
Binary: xen-tools
Version: 4.8-1
Maintainer: Axel Beckert <>
Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 10~), devscripts, git, 
libdata-validate-domain-perl, libdata-validate-ip-perl, 
libdata-validate-uri-perl, libfile-slurp-perl, libfile-which-perl, 
liblog-message-perl | perl (<< 5.17.0), libterm-ui-perl | perl (<< 5.17.0), 
libsort-versions-perl, libtest-notabs-perl, libtest-pod-coverage-perl, 
libtest-pod-perl, libtext-template-perl
Architecture: all
Standards-Version: 4.3.0
Format: 3.0 (quilt)
 94b3615255fd22d9aa353bcb062e3aa2 2450 xen-tools_4.8-1.dsc
 add3c66752d211a4f5616c8e7f4212a0 265348 xen-tools_4.8.orig.tar.gz
 0e5e97ecc6d5f8068dbb5717a55991c3 833 xen-tools_4.8.orig.tar.gz.asc
 0840816da965d1218435ab605bdb0532 27144 xen-tools_4.8-1.debian.tar.xz
 d057ad33c9bbf458abbb4908e04eb3feb6d64ae63890f919722f0e22de21d0fc 2450 
 8adbca004292bb622256f8b9a91f12d27e4c1bc9a02833379faa9eebf585fa5a 265348 
 c7644254b24bb0a73c2f3a3ec640237a86681341f209ee1e811a0bf153ed4830 833 
 dca63d25c6de3ca725a70d6a41a664d9710f50a03bf1bbcd7bd42d74d5d6aca8 27144 
 xen-tools deb utils optional arch=all
Testsuite: autopkgtest
Testsuite-Triggers: @builddeps@, adequate
Directory: pool/main/x/xen-tools
Priority: source
Section: utils

                Regards, Axel
 ,''`.  |  Axel Beckert <>,
: :' :  |  Debian Developer, Admin
`. `'   |  4096R: 2517 B724 C5F6 CA99 5329  6E61 2FF9 CD59 6126 16B5
  `-    |  1024D: F067 EA27 26B9 C3FC 1486  202E C09E 1D89 9593 0EDE

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