Hi. I noticed that one of the packages for which I reported a "link shared libraries against other libraries" bug was orphaned.
Because I rather like the package (ftplib), I decided to pick up maintenance and bring it up to date with current policy. There is also a new upstream version with significant changes to the package layout. The first thing I ran into was that there does not seem to be a "Keeper of the sonames" for this library. The upstream source simply creates an ftplib.so file without a version number. I will contact the author about that, but what should I do in the meantime? The previous package (ftplib 2-3) installs the shared library as libftp.so.1.0 and makes a link from libftp.so.1, but it does not seem to give it an soname while linking it. What is the effect of that? Is it anything I need to worry about for backward compatibility? (I'm assuming that the author will want to start numbering at 2 or 3, because there are interface incompatibilities between ftplib-v1 and ftplib-v2, and the current version is ftplib-v3). Thanks, Richard Braakman -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED] . Trouble? e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .