
I plan to package gtk--, a C++ wrapper for Gtk, the famous set of widgets
behind The GIMP, as everybody (should) know... at least, if there isn't
anybody who is more knowledgable.

As soon I have it ready, I would put it on my personal web site and announce
it, because I'm not acknowledged as developer (yet, should be soon).

As this would be my second package (my first is xscavenger, which already
existed and which I have taken over now ;), and my first one containing
shared libs, I will surely come back to you with a lot of questions ;)

About gtk-- (a pretty ugly name for a debian package).

It is version 0.6.3 by now, and does a Good Thing it seems: It provides an
OO interface to Gtk. As you probably know, Gtk itself is OO'ed, but
implemented in C, so the idea is not too far, isn't it?

Some features:
     * typesafe callback support
     * classes use the neat C++ syntax, derivation from classes, overriding
       virtual methods with C++ syntax

There are a lot of misfeatures 'though:
lack of documentation, gdk not fully supported yet, many others...

see http://www.iki.fi/terop/gtk/gtk--.html for more information.

Thank you,

"Rhubarb is no Egyptian god."                         Debian GNU/Linux
Marcus Brinkmann                                      http://www.debian.org
http://homepage.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/Marcus.Brinkmann/  PGP Key ID 36E7CD09

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