Stephen Zander <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Using libelfg0-dev seems like the likeliest sucessful approach. I'll
> play with it on the way home tonight (I hope) if I can find my ELF
> reference docs.
Oh, don't go that far. If ld (or some other standard tool can't
handle this) I'll just figure o
Rob Browning wrote:
> Stephen Zander <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Do you only have access to the sub-libraries as *.so files?
> Yes.
Using libelfg0-dev seems like the likeliest sucessful approach. I'll
play with it on the way home tonight (I hope) if I can find my ELF
reference docs.
Stephen Zander <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Do you only have access to the sub-libraries as *.so files?
Rob Browning <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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Rob Browning wrote:
> I'm trying to improve some stuff in the rscheme package, and I have
> several shared libraries (for rscheme internal use only), that I need
> to glom together into one big shared library -- i.e. I want the
> collected library to contain all the code from the sub-libraries -
I'd be interested in reading the solution, just for the knowledge.
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I'm trying to improve some stuff in the rscheme package, and I have
several shared libraries (for rscheme internal use only), that I need
to glom together into one big shared library -- i.e. I want the
collected library to contain all the code from the sub-libraries -- no
dynamic links to any of t
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