On Wed Aug 24 23:20:30 BST 2022, Sean Whitton wrote:
> I'm afraid I cannot respond to a message of this length.  As I
> mentioned previously, all the ftpteam really have the bandwidth to do
> is process what's in NEW.

* This is more concerning than its indirect effect on uploader motivation
* Many thanks for what they do, and a successful decade of recruitment
* That it's still a problem now means the only option left is to do less

* Most copyright issues are merely RC bugs, not rejections or need RM
* New uploads of existing sources should only have automated checks
* Examples: binary splits/hijacks/soname, source clones/renames (other?)
* Or this subset of NEW could be exposed as apt repo for manual checks
* Somehow implement this without pestering the FTP Team for feedback


p.s. Sorry Gard for trimming your entire explanation, in the end I
wanted to focus on message length rather than linking each point as a
paragraph reply. I hope this encourages others to focus on how many
times their email will be read. I'm also implicitly referencing all the
existing discussions on this topic that end up in *long* threads e.g.

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