The following is a listing of packages for which help has been requested
through the WNPP (Work-Needing and Prospective Packages) system in the
last week.

Total number of orphaned packages: 748 (new: 8)
Total number of packages offered up for adoption: 175 (new: 3)
Total number of packages requested help for: 47 (new: 0)

Please refer to for more information.


The following packages have been orphaned:

   gaim-themes (#830285), orphaned today
     Description: Smiley themes collection for pidgin
     Reverse Depends: gaim-themes
     Installations reported by Popcon: 875

   libapache2-mod-lisp (#829682), orphaned 2 days ago
     Description: An Apache2 module that interfaces with Lisp
     Reverse Depends: cl-modlisp
     Installations reported by Popcon: 56

   libdc0 (#829318), orphaned 5 days ago
     Description: Runtime libraries for Valknut
     Reverse Depends: libdc-dev valknut
     Installations reported by Popcon: 18

   lostirc (#830284), orphaned today
     Description: simple gtk-based IRC client
     Installations reported by Popcon: 51

   powermgmt-base (#829683), orphaned 2 days ago
     Description: Common utils and configs for power management
     Reverse Depends: apmd pm-utils
     Installations reported by Popcon: 75153

   tinymux (#830140), orphaned yesterday
     Description: text-based multi-user virtual world server
     Installations reported by Popcon: 56

   uudeview (#829684), orphaned 2 days ago
     Description: Smart multi-file multi-part decoder (command line)
     Reverse Depends: brag libuu-dev slrn tin uudeview xdeview
     Installations reported by Popcon: 1867

   valknut (#829317), orphaned 5 days ago
     Description: graphical client for Direct Connect
     Reverse Depends: valknut-translations
     Installations reported by Popcon: 40

740 older packages have been omitted from this listing, see for a complete list.


The following packages have been given up for adoption:

   django-conneg (#829594), offered 3 days ago
     Description: Framework for content-negotiated views in Django
     Installations reported by Popcon: 3

   django-ldapdb (#829596), offered 3 days ago
     Description: LDAP database backend for Django
     Installations reported by Popcon: 4

   musl (#830176), offered today
     Description: standard C library
     Reverse Depends: musl-dev musl-tools
     Installations reported by Popcon: 80

172 older packages have been omitted from this listing, see for a complete list.


For the following packages help is requested:

   athcool (#278442), requested 4272 days ago
     Description: Enable powersaving mode for Athlon/Duron processors
     Installations reported by Popcon: 24

   awstats (#755797), requested 715 days ago
     Description: powerful and featureful web server log analyzer
     Installations reported by Popcon: 4135

   balsa (#642906), requested 1747 days ago
     Description: An e-mail client for GNOME
     Reverse Depends: balsa-dbg
     Installations reported by Popcon: 615

   cardstories (#624100), requested 1900 days ago
     Description: Find out a card using a sentence made up by another
     Installations reported by Popcon: 6

   courier (#823807), requested 59 days ago
     Reverse Depends: courier-faxmail courier-filter-perl courier-imap
       courier-imap-ssl courier-ldap courier-mlm courier-mta
       courier-mta-ssl courier-pcp courier-pop (7 more omitted)
     Installations reported by Popcon: 2217

   cups (#532097), requested 2588 days ago
     Description: Common UNIX Printing System
     Reverse Depends: bluez-cups boomaga chromium
       cinnamon-settings-daemon cloudprint cups cups-backend-bjnp
       cups-browsed cups-bsd cups-client (62 more omitted)
     Installations reported by Popcon: 166975

   cyrus-sasl2 (#799864), requested 288 days ago
     Description: authentication abstraction library
     Reverse Depends: 389-ds-base 389-ds-base-libs 389-dsgw adcli
       autofs-ldap cairo-dock-mail-plug-in claws-mail
       claws-mail-acpi-notifier claws-mail-address-keeper
       claws-mail-archiver-plugin (133 more omitted)
     Installations reported by Popcon: 187809

   developers-reference (#759995), requested 677 days ago
     Description: guidelines and information for Debian developers
     Installations reported by Popcon: 19003

   devscripts (#800413), requested 282 days ago
     Description: scripts to make the life of a Debian Package maintainer
     Reverse Depends: apt-build apt-listdifferences aptfs arriero
       bzr-builddeb customdeb debci debian-builder debmake debpear (27 more
     Installations reported by Popcon: 12916

   ejabberd (#767874), requested 612 days ago
     Description: distributed, fault-tolerant Jabber/XMPP server written
       in Erlang
     Reverse Depends: ejabberd-contrib ejabberd-mod-cron
       ejabberd-mod-log-chat ejabberd-mod-logsession ejabberd-mod-logxml
       ejabberd-mod-message-log ejabberd-mod-muc-log-http
       ejabberd-mod-post-log ejabberd-mod-pottymouth ejabberd-mod-rest (4
       more omitted)
     Installations reported by Popcon: 754

   fbcat (#565156), requested 2367 days ago
     Description: framebuffer grabber
     Installations reported by Popcon: 212

   fgetty (#823061), requested 68 days ago
     Description: console-only getty & login (issue with nis)
     Installations reported by Popcon: 2110

   freeipmi (#628062), requested 1869 days ago
     Description: GNU implementation of the IPMI protocol
     Reverse Depends: conman freeipmi freeipmi-bmc-watchdog
       freeipmi-ipmidetect freeipmi-ipmiseld freeipmi-tools ipmitool
       libfreeipmi-dev libfreeipmi16 libipmiconsole-dev (7 more omitted)
     Installations reported by Popcon: 6577

   freerdp (#799759), requested 289 days ago
     Description: RDP client for Windows Terminal Services (X11 client)
     Reverse Depends: freerdp-x11 freerdp-x11-dbg libfreerdp-cache1.1
       libfreerdp-client1.1 libfreerdp-codec1.1 libfreerdp-common1.1.0
       libfreerdp-core1.1 libfreerdp-crypto1.1 libfreerdp-dbg
       libfreerdp-dev (28 more omitted)
     Installations reported by Popcon: 73404

   gnat-gps (#496905), requested 2870 days ago
     Description: co-maintainer needed
     Reverse Depends: gnat-gps gnat-gps-dbg
     Installations reported by Popcon: 532

   gnokii (#677750), requested 1482 days ago
     Description: Datasuite for mobile phone management
     Reverse Depends: gnokii gnokii-cli gnokii-smsd gnokii-smsd-mysql
       gnokii-smsd-pgsql gnome-phone-manager libgnokii-dev libgnokii6
     Installations reported by Popcon: 1203

   gridengine (#703256), requested 1208 days ago
     Description: Distributed resource management
     Reverse Depends: gridengine-client gridengine-dev
       gridengine-drmaa-dev gridengine-exec gridengine-master
       gridengine-qmon libdrmaa1.0-java libdrmaa1.0-ruby
     Installations reported by Popcon: 869

   grub2 (#248397), requested 4441 days ago
     Description: GRand Unified Bootloader
     Reverse Depends: debootstick fuel-umm grml-rescueboot grml2usb
       grub-coreboot grub-coreboot-bin grub-coreboot-dbg grub-disk grub-efi
       grub-efi-amd64 (38 more omitted)
     Installations reported by Popcon: 184334

   hfsprogs (#557892), requested 2416 days ago
     Description: mkfs and fsck for HFS and HFS+ file systems
     Installations reported by Popcon: 1863

   javaparser (#820471), requested 90 days ago
     Description: Java library for parsing Java 1.5.
     Reverse Depends: umlet
     Installations reported by Popcon: 700

   jmol (#719330), requested 1062 days ago
     Description: Molecular Viewer
     Reverse Depends: jalview jmol jmol-applet libbiojava3.0-java
     Installations reported by Popcon: 493

   jove (#470185), requested 3042 days ago
     Description: Jonathan's Own Version of Emacs - a compact, powerful
     Installations reported by Popcon: 658

   libapache2-mod-python (#516501), requested 2693 days ago
     Description: Python-embedding module for Apache 2
     Reverse Depends: check-mk-multisite
     Installations reported by Popcon: 7486

   libreoffice (#419523), requested 3370 days ago
     Description: office productivity suite
     Reverse Depends: design-desktop gir1.2-lokdocview-0.1 gnome
       jodconverter jodreports-cli libaccessodf-java libjodconverter-java
       libjodreports-java libreoffice libreoffice-avmedia-backend-gstreamer
       (185 more omitted)
     Installations reported by Popcon: 92007

   libteam (#743212), requested 829 days ago
     Description: library for controlling team network device
     Reverse Depends: ladvd libteam-dev libteam-utils network-manager
     Installations reported by Popcon: 70555

   libvorbisidec (#698378), requested 1267 days ago
     Description: Integer-only Ogg Vorbis decoder, AKA 'tremor'
     Reverse Depends: libvorbisidec-dev mednafen mencoder mpd mplayer
       mplayer-gui onscripter
     Installations reported by Popcon: 12243

   logcheck (#539944), requested 2529 days ago
     Description: mails anomalies in the system logfiles to the
     Reverse Depends: logcheck logster
     Installations reported by Popcon: 4682

   munin (#655889), requested 1636 days ago
     Description: please help keeping munin 2.0 in shape
     Reverse Depends: groonga-munin-plugins mailping munin munin-async
       munin-libvirt-plugins munin-node munin-plugins-core
       munin-plugins-extra munin-plugins-java munin-plugins-openstack
     Installations reported by Popcon: 11870

   nas (#354174), requested 3787 days ago
     Description: The Network Audio System
     Reverse Depends: acm alsaplayer-nas gbsplay isdnvboxclient
       libaudio-dev libqtgui4 mpg123 mplayer mplayer-gui nas (4 more
     Installations reported by Popcon: 107013

   nilfs-tools (#723599), requested 1024 days ago
     Description: Continuous Snapshotting Log-structured Filesystem
     Reverse Depends: libguestfs-nilfs nilfs-tools-dbg partclone
     Installations reported by Popcon: 599

   nn (#470187), requested 3042 days ago
     Description: Heavy-duty USENET news reader (curses-based client)
     Installations reported by Popcon: 65

   openldap (#512360), requested 2725 days ago
     Description: OpenLDAP server, libraries, and utilities
     Reverse Depends: 389-admin 389-ds-base 389-ds-base-dev
       389-ds-base-libs 389-dsgw adcli alpine am-utils anope
       aolserver4-nsldap (201 more omitted)
     Installations reported by Popcon: 186366

   openssl (#332498), requested 3927 days ago
     Description: Secure Socket Layer (SSL) binary and related
       cryptographic tools
     Reverse Depends: 0install-core 389-ds-base acme-tiny afflib-tools
       alljoyn-daemon-1504 alljoyn-daemon-1509 alljoyn-daemon-1604
       alljoyn-services-1509 alljoyn-thin-client-1504 alpine (943 more
     Installations reported by Popcon: 186892

   openvanilla-modules (#678401), requested 1477 days ago
     Description: libraries of openvanilla input method
     Reverse Depends: openvanilla-imgeneric-data-all
       openvanilla-imgeneric-data-ja openvanilla-imgeneric-data-ko
       openvanilla-imgeneric-data-th openvanilla-imgeneric-data-vi
       openvanilla-imgeneric-data-zh-cn openvanilla-imgeneric-data-zh-hk
       openvanilla-imgeneric-data-zh-tw ucimf-openvanilla
     Installations reported by Popcon: 11

   pam-krb5-migrate (#724346), requested 1018 days ago
     Description: PAM module for migrating to Kerberos
     Installations reported by Popcon: 20

   pgpool2 (#772047), requested 581 days ago
     Description: connection pool server and replication proxy for
     Reverse Depends: libpgpool-dev pgpool2 pgpool2-dbg
     Installations reported by Popcon: 164

   php-horde-core (#686007), requested 1410 days ago
     Description: web-based groupware and other applications
     Reverse Depends: php-horde php-horde-ansel php-horde-content
       php-horde-dav php-horde-form php-horde-gollem php-horde-imp
       php-horde-ingo php-horde-kronolith php-horde-mnemo (10 more omitted)
     Installations reported by Popcon: 150

   php5 (#664595), requested 1571 days ago
     Description: server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language
     Reverse Depends: acidbase adminer arcanist auth2db-frontend cakephp
       cakephp-scripts collabtive d-push davical dolibarr (105 more
     Installations reported by Popcon: 65544

   proftpd-dfsg (#519175), requested 2676 days ago
     Description: versatile, virtual-hosting FTP daemon
     Reverse Depends: gadmin-proftpd proftpd-dev proftpd-mod-autohost
       proftpd-mod-case proftpd-mod-dnsbl proftpd-mod-fsync
       proftpd-mod-geoip proftpd-mod-ldap proftpd-mod-msg proftpd-mod-mysql
       (5 more omitted)
     Installations reported by Popcon: 8790

   pulseaudio (#743303), requested 828 days ago
     Description: PulseAudio sound server
     Reverse Depends: aegisub audacious-plugins audiotools blueman
       browser-plugin-freshplayer-libpdf browser-plugin-freshplayer-nacl
       browser-plugin-freshplayer-pepperflash cairo-dock-impulse-plug-in
       cinnamon-settings-daemon clementine (156 more omitted)
     Installations reported by Popcon: 123553

   rng-tools (#630920), requested 1846 days ago
     Description: Daemon to use a Hardware TRNG
     Installations reported by Popcon: 1240

   samba (#814382), requested 147 days ago
     Description: SMB/CIFS file, print, and login server for Unix
     Reverse Depends: backuppc caja-share cifs-utils ctdb freeipa-server
       freeipa-server-trust-ad fusesmb gadmin-samba gnome-control-center
       gss-ntlmssp (43 more omitted)
     Installations reported by Popcon: 131526

   screen (#654116), requested 1648 days ago
     Description: terminal multiplexor with VT100/ANSI terminal emulation
     Reverse Depends: byobu cereal epoptes-client firehol-tools mdm
       piuparts-slave podracer screenie
     Installations reported by Popcon: 55268

   smokeping (#824712), requested 50 days ago
     Installations reported by Popcon: 899

   spamassassin (#676314), requested 1492 days ago
     Description: seeking co-maintainers
     Reverse Depends: claws-mail-spamassassin fuzzyocr sa-compile sa-exim
       sa-learn-cyrus spamass-milter spamassassin-heatu spampd
     Installations reported by Popcon: 11818

   vpnc (#818547), requested 112 days ago
     Description: Cisco-compatible VPN client
     Reverse Depends: network-manager-vpnc
     Installations reported by Popcon: 19233

   xml-core (#660687), requested 1599 days ago
     Description: XML infrastructure and XML catalog file support
     Reverse Depends: dia-common docbook-ebnf docbook-mathml
       docbook-simple docbook-slides docbook-website docbook-xml
       docbook-xsl docbook-xsl-ns docbook2x (8 more omitted)
     Installations reported by Popcon: 177526

See for more information.

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