On Tue, Sep 20, 2005 at 09:34:22AM -0500, Carlo Segre wrote:
> I have investigated this by grabbing individual files with wget and I have
> discovered that the same IP address is selected each time I run wget on a
> specific computer.
> Any insights? Is this a bug, if so for what packa
Em Ter, 2005-09-20 às 09:34 -0500, Carlo Segre escreveu:
> Any insights? Is this a bug, if so for what package?
I have no idea and haven't investigated what causes this, but it seems
like perfectly reasonable behaviour to me, for a simple reason: it's
more than one machine, and they all have to s
Hello All:
I have noticed a behavior which I can't quite understand. I
had noticed that some of my computers getting files from
http.us.debian.org had consistently lower bandwidths than others
pointed to the same source.
I have investigated this by grabbing individual files with wget and I
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