
we'll have a Bug Squashing Party in Paris on March 30-31.  It will be
hosted in Mozilla's Paris office.  Registration is required on the

Even if you are not a Debian Developer or Maintainer yet (but are
otherwise interested in fixing bugs and helping Debian) please do
not hesitate to attend; there will be enough people around to
sponsor uploads and/or offer advice.

Let's make sure our friends in Salzburg and Gothenburg the next weekend
have no bugs left to fix!

The space will be available on Friday, March 29, if there's interest in
starting early or in short sprint sessions; please get in touch with me
if you'd like to use that opportunity.  Likewise if you're willing to
sponsor lunch/snacks for participants. :)

[1] https://wiki.debian.org/BSP/2019/03/fr/Paris


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