Re: msg de bug do parted

2006-06-26 Por tôpico Otavio Salvador
Herbert P Fortes Neto [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Olá Usando o parted tive essa mensagem: (parrted) mkpart logical ext3 8401.210 36499.270 You found a bug in GNU Parted. Please email a bug report to containing the version (1.6.21), and the following message:

msg de bug do parted

2006-06-25 Por tôpico Herbert P Fortes Neto
Olá Usando o parted tive essa mensagem: (parrted) mkpart logical ext3 8401.210 36499.270 You found a bug in GNU Parted. Please email a bug report to containing the version (1.6.21), and the following message: Assertion (metadata_length 0) at