Package: dpkg
Version: 1.19.7
Severity: normal
Tags: unreproducible

Maintainers have seen bugs in various packages where an old file (one
that was shipped in an old .deb, but not under the same name in a new
.deb) appears to have been retained on-disk rather than deleted. At some
later time, perhaps months or years later, that file causes an upgrade
failure triggered by the superseding file moving from one directory in
a search path to another.

I was involved in investigating an instance of this in GLib, but
I've recently been shown examples of similar things happening in other
packages, so I think this might be more common than we'd thought (although
still rare). Please see below for summaries and links.

Because some maintainers believe the best approach to the "/usr merge"
is for each package that has historically been on the root filesystem to
carry out its own migration from / to /usr, this seems likely to occur
increasingly often as more packages do that transition.

My questions about this:

- Is/was there a known dpkg bug that could cause this?
- Is there anything that individual packages should be doing when they
  move files into different directories in a search path, to work around
- Is there anything that dpkg could/should be doing to help?

When I say /lib/MA or /usr/lib/MA below, I mean the multiarch library

GLib (#896019 and friends)

In GLib, we've had several reports of an obsolete file like
/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ somehow being kept when
it should have been superseded by a newer version like
/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ Much later, when the
intended path for this library changed from /lib/MA/* to
/usr/lib/MA/*, ldconfig(8) would create symlinks like:

    /lib/MA/ ->
    /usr/lib/MA/ ->

and because /lib/MA has higher precedence in the search path than
/usr/lib/MA, the older version in /lib/MA was preferred, and packages
with a versioned dependency on newer GLib releases started failing.

- Report: <>
- Report: <>
- Technical committee discussion: <>
  (I haven't yet implemented the suggested workaround in GLib)

libcrypt (#948318)

Similar to the GLib bugs above, /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
somehow wasn't deleted on upgrade from glibc 2.25 to 2.26+. Years later,
the canonical path of changed from /lib/MA to /usr/lib/MA
during the transition to libxcrypt. Similar to the GLib bugs, ldconfig(8)
created a symlink /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ ->
which was higher-precedence than the one in /usr/lib/MA, causing programs
that reference newer libcrypt symbols to fail.

- Report: <>

systemd (#945582)

This one is a bit different: an old copy of systemd-machine-id-setup in
/usr/bin takes precedence over a new copy in /bin, and has a lockstep
dependency on an equally old, but dpkg correctly
*did* remove that library.

I don't think this is necessarily the same thing, because the systemd
maintainers say systemd never installed systemd-machine-id-setup into
/usr/bin and has always put it in /bin. Nobody involved in that bug
knows how it got into /usr/bin.

However, if an executable legitimately migrated from /usr/bin to /bin,
a similar failure mode could happen if the old executable somehow isn't
deleted during the dpkg transaction.

- Report: <>


Any ideas?


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