retitle 692164 dpkg-source -x: upstream .pc directory prevents patch application
severity 692164 normal

Hi Michael,

Michael Gilbert wrote:

> Hi, dpkg-source will have trouble dealing with upstream tarballs
> containing pre-existing .pc directories.  For example, see:
> Since results can be unpredictable in these situations, I think the
> ideal solution is for dpkg-source to throw and error when it comes
> across a tarball with .pc already existing.

Yeah, that sounds broken.  I don't think that if this bug is present
in stable it would be worth a stable update to fix it there, though,
so I'm lowering the severity.

An ideal fix would have two parts:

 1. skipping .pc when unpacking the upstream tarball
 2. in some tool (dpkg-source or lintian) detecting the brokenness
    when creating the upstream tarball

Thanks for writing and hope that helps,

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