Please accept my apologies if this is OT - it's possibly a bug report,
definitely a query.

My development machine:
Debian Testing as of 20030826, (except postgresql, postgresql-client,
postgresql-dev version 7.2.1).
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ which gcc
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ ls -l /usr/bin/gcc
lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root            7 May 29 10:05 /usr/bin/gcc ->

Problem machine:
Redhat Linux 8.0, current as of same date.
/lib/  ->

When I run my executable on the Redhat Machine, I get:
[filename] /usr/lib/ version `GLIBCPP_3.2.1' not found
(required by [filename])
and the program won't run.

The same setup (moduloapt-get upgrade) worked a couple of weeks ago. I
believe that since it last worked, gcc has gone from 3.3pre-something to
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ gcc --version
gcc (GCC) 3.3.1 20030626 (Debian prerelease)

I have had this problem once in the past, but breifly. I am fairly sure that
it was solved then when I upgraded gcc, g++ et al.

I must admit to being slightly confused over which version of libstdc++ I
actually want - I assumed that libstdc++5-3.3 was the relevant one, but
removing libstdc++5 (and gcc-3.2, g++-3.2 et al. with it) seemed to prevent
it compiling. (This may be coincidence - I use boost and a few templates
and -frepo which could be the cause).

I am sorry if this is confusing - I am rather confused so it's hard to be

I have one further question: Are .rpo files from different versions of gcc
compatible? I have bizarre results (as you'd expect) from using left-over
.rpo files from gcc-3.2, when linking and recompiling with gcc-3.3.

Alex Tibbles

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