i had installed Debian woody, and I set everything to
unstable in the sources.list file. Then I did an
apt-get upgrade only later to realize that I never
selected gcc in the initial installation. So With
unstable in my sources.list, i proceeded to apt-get
install gcc. In which it finished. But however, with a
problem. Every time i try to ./configure an app it
produces the following:

configure: error: installation or configuration
problem: C compiler cannot create executables.

then exits. So i tried compiling a small C app that
does nothing but print to the screen and it resulted

silo:/home/ircd/$ gcc file.c -o file
collect2: ld terminated with signal 11 [Segmentation

It does the same as root as well. I am totally
confused on why this is happening, and I was hoping
someone could offer some help. Thanks in advance.

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