Bug#862514: Gcc creates illegal instructions when combining C + ASM on arm on sid

2017-05-13 Thread Jussi Pakkanen
Package: gcc Version: 6.3.0-4 Gcc creates binaries that fail with "invalid instruction". To reproduce create the following main.c: int get_retval(void); int main(int argc, char **argv) { return get_retval(); } and the following retval-arm.S .text .globl get_retval get_retval: mov

Bug#850191: Can not cross compile to arm from x86

2017-01-04 Thread Jussi Pakkanen
Package: gcc-6-arm-linux-gnueabihf Version: 6.2.1-5cross1 Trying to cross compile a simple helloworld application on 32 bit x86 with this command: arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc-6 hello.c -o hello fails with the following error message: /usr/lib/gcc-cross/arm-linux-gnueabihf/6/libgcc.a: file not recog