Dear friendly Debian GCC folks,

I believe I've encountered this bug as well. Here's the scenario: I'm
starting to work on a package (homework, so I'm starting with half a dozen
source files alreay), tinkering away, happily compiling, when suddenly:

  In file included from /usr/include/string.h:114,
                   from /usr/include/c++/3.3/cstring:51,
                   from /usr/include/c++/3.3/bits/char_traits.h:45,
                   from /usr/include/c++/3.3/string:47,
                   from scene.h:1,
                   from createdata.cpp:1:
  /usr/include/xlocale.h:29: internal compiler error: Segmentation fault

... and following this, all other files I try, which only a few minutes ago
compiled *just fine*, fail with the same error. Compiler flags don't seem to

This is with g++3.3 version 1:3.3.4-13. After "apt-get install --reinstall
g++-3.3", everything is back to normal... ???



p.s. I do observe the bug number contains the string '666'. Hmmmm.... ;)

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