I discovered my peoblem trying to use ncurses. My test code compiles fine with the -c option, butwont link. I get an undefined reference error message. On a hunch I tried another area of the libraries an wrote another test using the math.h functions. Consider the following:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
int main()
    double pi;
    pi = 4.0*atan(1.0);
This code produces the following error message:
/tmp/ccuDTnJ1.0 in fuction 'main'(.text+0x11):undefined reference to 'atan'
I seems if find the header file, but not the defintion.
I even tried uninstalling ncurses and reinstalling with no avail. My hunch is that I need to set an evironment variable somewhere, but I can't find a reference to one with info or man. A simple "Hello World" using printf works fine.
Russell E. Dolly

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