Package: gcc-4.3

The man page for gcc-4.3 (and its symlink gcc as well) is empty in the
gcc-4.3-20080202-1 package:

| GCC(1)                      GNU                     GCC(1)
| gcc-4.3.0               2008-02-02                  GCC(1)

The file is mostly empty as well, so it seems the generation of the file has
somehow failed.

| -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1640 2008-02-03 04:38 /usr/share/man/man1/gcc-4.3.1.gz
| e70b1379c3321aae06bfefa7151f7aff  /usr/share/man/man1/gcc-4.3.1.gz

These are the relevant packages I have installed:

| ii  gcc          4:4.2.2-2
| ii  gcc-3.3-base 1:3.3.6-15
| ii  gcc-3.4-base 3.4.6-6
| ii  gcc-4.1      4.1.2-19
| ii  gcc-4.1-base 4.1.2-19
| ii  gcc-4.2      4.2.3-1
| ii  gcc-4.2-base 4.2.3-1
| ii  gcc-4.3      4.3-20080202-1
| ii  gcc-4.3-base 4.3-20080202-1

The older gcc-4.2 packages do have the man pages.

  mvrgr, Wouter

:wq                                                       mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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