hi! my system is a Debian Testing. I use a Athlon Xp1.7 (x86) and
 I  already installed the tools give in "maint-guide". I tried hard _but_ *all*
tutorials that I encounter use this estructure:

# apt-get source  gcc-X.Y
# cd gcc-X.Y
# dpkg-buildpackage ( or debuild )

But this is _not_ what I need.  my need is take a gcc from gcc.gnu.org
and make a (more or less) complete debianization and of course in a
gcc that NOT yet packaged for Debian. for now, this is for my personal use.

all sugestions, links,etc are welcome.
Thank very much.


2005/7/8, Dani <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Because I need patching the sources for make possible the
> use o AnnexE and ASIS for Ada(in newer gcc sources),I want
>  make custom debs of gcc.
>  Time to time this need return to me and because this I finally subscribe
> this list:-)
> Please! :-)  I need sugestions, tutorials, web links ,Faqs, etc.
>  any help is Welcome! :-)
> Thank's in Advance!
> --
> "There are many plans in the Human heart, But
>  is the Lord's Purpose that prevails"
>   []'s of seven rounds, Dani:-)

"There are many plans in the Human heart, But
 is the Lord's Purpose that prevails"

  []'s Dani:-)

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