Dear Sir, dear Madam, dear Colleagues,

We are glad to introduce the new book by Olga Zeydina and Bernard Beauzamy:

Probabilistic Information Transfer

A book you will be proud to have for yourself and to show to your friends !

ISBN: 978-2-9521458-6-2, ISSN : 1767-1175. Size 15,3 x 24 cm. Hardcover, 208 

In real life situations, one rarely has desirably detailed information.
It is sometimes incomplete, sometimes corrupted, or with missing or erroneous 
Conversely, some pieces of information do exist. Therefore, there is a natural 
wish: to try to use the existing information in order to reconstruct some 
missing items.
However, this should be done with two constraints:
First, one should not add any artificial information, such as model assumptions 
(for instance, that some growth is linear, or that some law is gaussian) ;
Second, the result should be of probabilistic nature: we do not want a precise 
value for the reconstruction, but a probability law, which allows estimation of 
the uncertainties.

This is precisely the topic of this book.
We show how to "propagate" the information, from a place where it exists to a 
place where we want to use it;
this propagation deteriorates with the distance, somewhat as a gravitational 
field decreases with the distance.
The book is organized in three parts:
the first part presents the basic rules, accessible with no specific expertise 
in probabilities;
the second presents the applications to real world problems, and the third part 
gives the theory.

This is a situation not so common these days: a new mathematical theory, 
developed by us, in order to meet a need initially expressed by the industry 
(namely Framatome, 2003).
Existing applications are now numerous: classifying industrial objects (Air 
Liquide), evaluating a pollution (Total), estimating water quality in rivers 
(European Environment Agency), controlling the safety in
a nuclear reactor (Institut de Radioprotection et de Surete Nucleaire), and so 

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Thank you for your interest

Prof. Bernard Beauzamy
Chairman and CEO,
Societe de Calcul Mathematique SA
111 Faubourg St Honoré
75008 Paris - France

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