cloning 521582, reassign -1 to gdc-4.3

2010-05-30 Thread Peter De Wachter
clone 521582 -1 reassign -1 gdc-4.3 1:1.046-4.3.5-1 thanks This bug still exists in gdc 4.3. In torus-trooper, one order of object files on the linker command line produces an executable that fails with a "circular initialization dependency" error, while another order produces a working executable

Processed: cloning 521582, reassign -1 to gdc-4.3

2010-05-30 Thread Debian Bug Tracking System
Processing commands for > clone 521582 -1 Bug#521582: gdc-4.1: "circular initialization dependency" depending on link order Bug 521582 cloned as bug 583837. > reassign -1 gdc-4.3 1:1.046-4.3.5-1 Bug #583837 [gdc-4.1] gdc-4.1: "circular initialization dependency" dependin