I should not patch libstdc++ myself :-( This is the offending patch,
introduced to resolve a "severe performance problem" compared to
gcc-2.95.2. See #92524 and #100571.

--- src-native/libstdc++/sstream~       Tue Dec  5 06:32:17 2000
+++ src-native/libstdc++/sstream        Tue Jun 26 07:11:03 2001
@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@
          if (c != EOF)
              streamsize old_stream_len = stream_len;
-             stream_len += 1;
+             stream_len += stream_len + 1;
              char_type* new_stream = new char_type[stream_len];
              memcpy(new_stream, stream, old_stream_len);
              delete[] stream;

So the safest thing would be to revert the patch. Could somebody have
a look for a correct fix? The testcase provided in #109073 and #115978
fails with this patch.

Thanks, Matthias

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