
I built a "--enable-smp=2" kernel-ide and have determined that
it crashes very quickly ( no real suprise ). It seems to be rebooting
in main : ldt_init() but I am not sure. For some reason my sources
got screwed up and I can't trace the program into the OSKit source.

This last time ( which worked in non-smp mode ) I arranged my
sources like so:

/usr/src/gnu -- main build dir
/usr/src/gnu/hurd-20020103 -- Hurd source ( not really used )
/usr/src/gnu/hurd-20020103/oskit-mach -- you get the idea
/usr/src/gnu/oskit-0.97.20010214 -- etc
/usr/src/oskit.build -- here is where I compiled OSKit from
/usr/src/oskit-mach.build -- likewise for oskit-mach

I compiled oskit with no prefix ( default /usr/local )
and oskit-mach with --prefix=

But now for some reason I cannot trace into the files properly. Grrr...
The (non-smp) kernel I made booted but I didn't try and debug
it since it worked. It's debugging symbols are likely wrong too.

I tell you, this stuff is _soo_ tricky. I suppose I will just make ./build
subdirs inside the sources and compile the whole mess once again.

( do it again Stimpy! )

Good thing I have lots of Zen...

Oh, I notice that some of my kernel i/o is going through the serial
port now in debugging mode. I'd rather stdout and stderr go to the
default console and not gdb unless I explicitly set it that way. How
do I set this, or is it a bug?

At least I have made 1 bootable oskit-mach kernel (save that sucker!)

Auf Wiedersehen!

- Doug

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