Re: network monitoring

2004-10-31 Thread Andrew Miehs
Hi Martin, I am a little confused with your requirements - On the one hand, you are happy to install via nfs, but on the other hand, you want monitoring done via 'ssh'? If you really need this much security, you should probably look at implementing ALL your connections via IPSEC - and possibly

Re: network monitoring

2004-10-31 Thread martin f krafft
also sprach Andrew Miehs [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2004.10.31.0907 +0100]: On the one hand, you are happy to install via nfs, but on the other hand, you want monitoring done via 'ssh'? Well, I agree that NFS is somewhat of a kludge. However, I want SSH to contact the servers to execute commands to

Re: network monitoring

2004-10-31 Thread Mike Gerber
Nagios mainly uses SNMP to pull its data - authenitcated but not encrypted. That is just wrong. Nagios uses whatever you want to pull its data, if you can script it, you can do it. Personally, I mainly use SSH to execute Nagios plugins on remote servers. That's built-in in the nagios-plugins

Re: network monitoring

2004-10-31 Thread Andrew Miehs
On Sunday 31 October 2004 14:17, martin f krafft wrote: This way you could possibly reduce your internal secuity requirements, and not need encryption everywhere. Just make sure you back up your data regularily The problem is people plugging laptops in on the cluster side. If people have

Re: network monitoring

2004-10-31 Thread Andrew Miehs
Sorry Mike, You are correct - I should have said 'I use nagios for SNMP'... I have too many other boxes that don't speak 'ssh' and as such, try and use one method for all of them. In my environment, I do not pass any data (health data) which needs encryption, so SNMP is perfect for my

Re: network monitoring

2004-10-31 Thread Craig Sanders
On Sun, Oct 31, 2004 at 02:17:35PM +0100, martin f krafft wrote: Nagios mainly uses SNMP to pull its data - authenitcated but not encrypted. Big Sister - Have heard its similar to big brother - simple to set up (compared to nagios) and for your small network should be more than adequate.

Re: network monitoring

2004-10-31 Thread Peter Hicks
On Sat, Oct 30, 2004 at 02:25:02PM +0200, martin f krafft wrote: I would like to monitor all the nodes of a cluster, but I am rather pressed for time so that I cannot investigate all the options. I tried spong, but it's pretty bad especially because it requires changes to the client to specify

Re: PERSONAL LOAN - Kredit Tunai Tanpa Agunan

2004-10-31 Thread Luky Ajie
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Re: network monitoring

2004-10-31 Thread Volker Tanger
Greetings! On Sun, 31 Oct 2004 14:17:35 +0100 martin f krafft [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: also sprach Andrew Miehs [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2004.10.31.0907 +0100]: On the one hand, you are happy to install via nfs, but on the other hand, you want monitoring done via 'ssh'? Well, I agree that NFS