This turned out to be a boneheaded mistake on my part. The lesson I
learned was not to execute "chmod 644 lib/*" when staging Linux systems.
Apparently if is not 'chmod 755', then you will get execv
errors from any process that is not running as root. I don't know why it
works for root and nobody else, but it does. According to strace, the
execve call was returning 'EACCESS'. According to the man page for
execve, this error is returned for a variety of reasons, including the
reason that 'an interpreter specified was not executable'. It goes on to
refer to as an interpreter for fixing up shared object
references, and after reading that I compared the permissions on my copy
of vs. the original in my main /lib directory and observed
the problem. Anyway, I'm probably the only person who's ever done this,
but I thought I'd immortalize my blunder in the list archives anyway.

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