On Thursday 08 May 2003 06:32, Jiele wrote:
> >      I got some dependency problem while installing tomcat4. Actually, I
> > encountered this before, and thought it would be fixed, but not. tomcat4
> > requires libtomcat4-java (although it shows Suggests), which in turn asks
> > for "j2re1.4 | java2-runtime". However, both are not available in debian
> > packages. Therefore, it seems I can't install tomcat4 package. Is there
> > any way to work around? (I know I can get a tarball, but I want to
> > install the debian package.) Just drop me a mail. Thank you very much!

See the Debian GNU/Linux Java FAQ. The j2re1.4 package is the Debian package 
from Blackdown, and you can get that at blackdown.org.



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