Installation of Application Server

2004-08-19 Thread Madhavi
Hello, We are a company called MMP Software pvt ltd., located at Bangalore- India. We are able to install the Debian Linux successfully on one of our systems. Now we are trying to install the softwares required for development of projects in our company. We need to install the Sun Application

Re: Installation of Application Server

2004-08-19 Thread Stefan Gybas
Madhavi wrote: Step 2: root/download_directory j2eesdk-1_4_01-linux.bin But none are working. Getting a message: command not found. The current directory is not in the command path in the default setup. If you need to run a programm in the current directory, you need to prefix it with ./, e.g.

Sun: All Java Belongs To Us - Comments On The Crisis

2004-08-19 Thread Gerald Bauer
Hello, As a flollow up to the posting titled Sun Tells Javalobby To Pull All Sun Java APIs Off allow me to highlight some comments on Sun's latest efforts to crush the Java community and assert control. Casey Marshall comments: Sun stepped up this week and boldly defended their