
  thanks to everybody for casting your vote in the
Java Republic online poll asking "Do you want to see
Java set free (that is, open sourced)?".

  Now the results are in:

  66 votes (32%) - Yes, because only free Java will
lead to wide distribution and acceptance.  
  25 votes (12%) - Yes, because Sun's dominance is
against the interest of the Java community at large.
   5 votes ( 2%) - Yes, because only free Java allows
non-standard speciality distributions that fill all
  11 votes ( 5%) - Yes, because only free Java can
avoid forking and keep everybody working together.
  68 votes (33%) - No, only with Sun in charge can you
keep Java from forking and enforce compatibility.
   7 votes ( 3%) - No, only with Sun in charge can you
keep Microsoft from running away with Java.
  21 votes (10%) - No, but I want to see an
independent organization take over from Sun.
   5 votes ( 2%) - Other (Please Comment) 

  Full story @

  If you know of any other online polls about open
source Java please let me know and I will add it to
the Viva! polls collection online @

  - Gerald

Gerald Bauer
Viva! Free Java Now Campaign  |
The Java Republic             | http://viva.sourceforge.net/republic

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