I am running KDE 2.2.2 from Debian Testing updated as of 31.12.2002.

When I log into KDE the clock applet shows the correct time, but after
some time it changes to several hours in the future. Currently it
running 3 hours ahead, but I noticed last night it was 5 hours ahead.
The minutes and seconds seem in sync with the System.

Typing "date" at the command prompt gives the correct time so I know the
system is OK. Logging out and back-in to KDE will also temporarily
correct the problem. 

When the time shifts occurs is not a regular interval. Sometimes it is
after a couple of minutes, sometimes hours. It maintained the correct
time all night, but after a few minutes of using the system today it

Looking at the Date & Time settings in the Control Panel show the
correct time even though the clock applet does not.

I think everything was working OK until I deleted my .kde directory. I
can give an explaination why I did this if one is needed. I was hoping
KDE would reinitialize my settings (which it seems to have done).

- mike

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