I use Sawfish as WM, gnome-panel, gnome-session and rox-filer (as desktop). 
From KDE I use KPilot, Kontact (before KOrganizer and KMail from 3.1.x), 

My main problem with this apps is that they can dock into "systray" but only 
when it is "systray" in kicker and I will use kwin as WM (instead sawfish). 
Some time ago I used kicker + sawfish but even then those K-apps didn't dock 
correctly - only open small transparent windows with dockicon inside. I don't 
want to switch to kwin+kicker as I'm sawfish user from few years, gnome-panel 
for me is nicer then kicker (slicker crashed too much when last tested)..

Do I have to live with those bugs (non-docking docks) or maybe I have 
something bad configured?

APT: deb http://www.hrw.one.pl/apt/ sid/

       A linux machine! because a 486 is a terrible thing to waste!

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