A few small queries relating to KDE:

Firstly, I've finally got Xinerama support compiled in and it seems to be 
working - I can maximise and it only maximises to one screen, not both, and 
new windows tend not to overlap the border (although dialog boxes still do). 
However, I can't find anything in the Control Center to do with Xinerama, and 
reading the archives I get the impression there IS supposed to be something 
there. Have I missed something? (I rebuilt kdelibs3 with --with-xinerama, and 
even recompiled kdelibs3-crypto. Is there more I should rebuild?)

Secondly, I'm using a different keyboard which has those "extra" buttons, and 
I'd like to actually use them. Using xev and xmodmap, I've got their keycodes 
and can map them to keysyms, but KDE doesn't seem to want to let me bind it 
to any of the usual KDE actions. Do I need to put the keysyms into some other 
KDE-related config/resource file so it looks out for them?

On a related topic, does KDE include a way to bind a key combo to launching 
an arbitary application?


(All references to KDE are to the recent 2.2.2 release, from Unstable 
packages & sources).

. Trevor Phillips             -           http://jurai.murdoch.edu.au/ . 
: CWIS Systems Administrator     -           [EMAIL PROTECTED] : 
| IT Services                       -               Murdoch University | 
| On nights such as this, evil deeds are done. And good deeds, of     /
| course. But mostly evil, on the whole.                             /
 \      -- (Terry Pratchett, Wyrd Sisters)                          /

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