Bug#381787: mkvmlinuz should bail if it can't find addnote

2006-08-06 Thread Emanuel Steen
Subject: mkvmlinuz should bail if it can't find addnote Package: mkvmlinuz Version: 23 A user from Ubuntu reported a bug in mkvmlinuz's failure reporting. mkvmlinuz terminates silently when the object dir can't be found and verbose mode is not set. It shouild bail and tell the user that the vmli

Bug#380028: closed by Bastian Blank <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (Re: Bug#380028: mkvmlinuz requires -fno-stack-protector with gcc-4.1)

2006-07-30 Thread Emanuel Steen
> The ubuntu kernel maintainers removed the mkvmlinuz support i provided to > their kernel package with a "nobody should be using oldworld [pmacs]" kind > of clueless message, and provided insulting when i subsequently complained > about this fact. I know, that sucks... but that's the way it is (w

Bug#380028: closed by Bastian Blank <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (Re: Bug#380028: mkvmlinuz requires -fno-stack-protector with gcc-4.1)

2006-07-27 Thread Emanuel Steen
Please, don't ignore the bug report just because I'm using Ubuntu. It's the same package, version 23 of mkvmlinuz in Debian. I just found it better to report it to Debian too so you also know about the problem. // Emanuel On Thursday 27 July 2006 06:33, Debian Bug Tracking System wrote: > This

Bug#380028: mkvmlinuz requires -fno-stack-protector with gcc-4.1

2006-07-26 Thread Emanuel Steen
Subject: mkvmlinuz requires -fno-stack-protector with gcc-4.1 Package: mkvmlinuz Version: 23ubuntu1 Severity: critical Justification: breaks the whole system mkvmlinuz requires0 to be compiled with the -fno-stack-protector flags with gcc-4.1 since it seems gcc-4.1 enables -fstack-protector by defa