Bug#600305: MacBookPro 7, 1 mcp89 sata link reset fails, no disks detected during install process

2010-10-31 Thread mjlav
It is strange because Launchpad bug #576601 says: Fix: Two patches taken from upstream, which have also been marked for stable inclusion will blacklist the MBP from using AHCI and falling back to the ide driver which works. Second half forces DMA on. ...it seems they have been applied. Two patch

Bug#600305: needs to be reopen

2010-10-25 Thread mjlav
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 Dear Ben and Dann, It seems we have to reopen this bug. I downloaded today's squeeze netinstall with the last update of kernel 2.6.32-26, burned and boot it through rEFIt. The ata detection fails to find /dev/cdrom as previously: ata1: COMRESET fail