
Here is more information about the problems I mentioned in last bug
report. I have tried Linux kernel-image-2.6.8-1-686 and
kernel-image-2.4.27-1-686 from sarge on my IBM Thinkpad T41. However
1) my laptop can not power off or standby after I type "shutdown -h now".
It hangs before completlely turning off. I think the problem probably
relates to ACPI
2) cpufreqd doesn't work since it can not find the CPU interface from

I intalled kernel-image-2.6.9-1-686 from unstable. My laptop can power off
but can not go to standby. The problem 2) I mentioned above still exists.

I recompiled the original 2.6.9 kernel with the patches from
http://www.stanford.edu/~sanjiv/thinkpad/thinkpad.html. My
laptop works well and can power off and go to standby. The cpufreqd works
as well.


J Zou

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