
You are noted as the last translator of the translation for gnupg2

The English template has been changed, and now some messages
are marked "fuzzy" in your translation or are missing.
I would be grateful if you could take the time and update it.
Please send the updated file to me, to gnupg-i...@gnupg.org, or
submit it as a wishlist Debian bug against gnupg (I’ll take care
of doing the gateway between upstream and Debian, especially if
you’re not used to one of both of the usual workflow).

I’ve added the Debian localisation list in the loop order to increase
the chances to ship up to date translations of GnuPG in the upcoming
Debian stable (Jessie), but please note this is an upstream translation
and that usual upstream translator (team) may have a different workflow.

Please, try to coordinate between teams to avoid duplicate work and
stepping on toes, and do not hesitate to confirm (to me) that you’re
working on the file. Likewise, do not hesitate to contact me if
you’re not sure that the file is free (i.e. if someone else is working
on it).

The deadline for receiving the updated translation is
Wed, 26 Nov 2014 11:44:51 -0400.
That’s short, but we’re in freeze, sorry about it (do not hesitate
to provide a partial update in time, and a complete one latter, to
make sure some improvement will be included in Debian, and all of
them upstream when ready).

Thanks in advance, regards.


P.-S.: Other calls will follow for libgpg-error, and the latest gnupg2 2.1
currently in experimental (GnuPG in master).

P.-P.-S.: Some string are in common with gnupg from STABLE-BRANCH-1-4,
no need to restart from scratch if you’ve already started to update the
previous file (feel free to ask me if you need help with msgmerge,
--compendium an msgattr to take care of the merging).

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Description: Binary data

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Description: Digital signature

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