The eviacam package introduced new or modified debconf
templates. This is often a good moment for a review to help the
package maintainer following the general suggested writing style and
track down typos and errors in the use of English language.

A bug report has been sent against the package: 814829

If someone wants to pick up this review, please answer to this mail,
in the mailing list, with an [ITR] (Intent To Review) label.

The templates file is attached.

To propose the file you reviewed for peer review, please send a [RFR]
(Request For Review) mail with the reviewed file attached...then a few
days later, when no more contributions come, a summary mail with a
[LCFC] (Last Chance For Comments) label.

These RFR and LCFC mails should CC the opened bug report.

Finally, after no more comments coming to the LCFC mail, you can send
the reviewed templates file in the bug report.

Then, please notify the list with a last mail using a [BTS] label
with the bug number.

Helping the package maintainer to deal with induced translation
updates at that moment will be nice. If you're not comfortable with
that part of the process, please hand it off to a translator.


Template: eviacamloader/eviacamloader_setuid
Type: boolean
Default: false
_Description: Should eviacamloader be installed 'setuid root'?
 In order to enable users of the group 'eviacam' to run eviacam in 
 high priority (which improves responsiveness), the eviacamloader 
 program can be installed with the set-user-ID bit set, so that it 
 will run with the permissions of the superuser.
 Such a setting requires that the sysadmin adds authorized users to the 
 'eviacam' group and may have security implications in the case of 
 vulnerabilities in eviacamloader's code.
Source: eviacam
Section: x11
Priority: optional
Maintainer: Cesar Mauri <>
Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 9),
               libopencv-dev (>= 2.0),
Standards-Version: 3.9.6

Package: eviacam
Architecture: any
Depends: ${misc:Depends}, ${shlibs:Depends}, opencv-data
Recommends: wx3.0-i18n
Description: webcam based mouse emulator
 Enable Viacam (aka eViacam) is a mouse replacement program that moves
 the pointer as you move your head. It works on a standard computer
 equipped with a web camera. No additional hardware is required. Based
 on the award winning Facial Mouse software.

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Description: PGP signature

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