[wml] distrib/packages.wml

2004-03-11 Por tôpico rodrigo torres
___ ... and the winner is... WEB.DE FreeMail! - Deutschlands beste E-Mail ist zum 39. Mal Testsieger (PC Praxis 03/04) http://f.web.de/?mc=021191#use wml::debian::template title=Pacotes #include $(ENGLISHDIR)/releases/info #use

[wml] /distrib/packages.wml

2003-07-05 Por tôpico Gustavo R. Montesino
Correção de erro: Adicionado /form ausente -- Gustavo R. Montesino And may the source be with you GPG KEY BACAB6C2pgp.mit.edu Debian GNU/Linuxwww.debian.org #use wml::debian::template