Сб 23 фев 2019 @ 15:33 Debian Webmaster <webmas...@debian.org>:

> *** Errors validating
>       /srv/www.debian.org/www/lts/security/2014/dla-58.ru.html: ***
> Line 77, character 37:        end tag for element "P" which is not open
> Line 80, character 96:        end tag for element "P" which is not open
> Line 83, character 30:        end tag for element "P" which is not open
> *** Errors validating
>       /srv/www.debian.org/www/lts/security/2015/dla-145.ru.html: ***
> Line 93, character 8:  character data is not allowed here
> Line 93, character 111:  document type does not allow element "A" here;
>       assuming missing "LI" start-tag
> Line 93, character 133:  end tag for element "P" which is not open
> --
>  You received this mail for the language code ru.
>  Please edit webwml/english/devel/website/validation.data if this is not 
> accurate
>  Please also update webwml/english/devel/website/ with the new coordinator(s) 
> data

Вроде исправил.
