From the 2.0.10 -> 11 patch:

+ /*
+       This code has been modified from its original form by psoTFX @
+       Changes introduce the back-ported phpBB 2.2 visual confirmation code.
+ NOTE: Anyone using the modified code contained within this script MUST include + a relevant message such as this in usercp_register.php ... failure to do so
+       will affect a breach of Section 2a of the GPL and our copyright
+ png visual confirmation system : (c) phpBB Group, 2003 : All Rights Reserved
+ */

And GPL (2
 a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices
    stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.

Ummm...., er, what?

[note: I haven't contacted the phpBB maintainer or upstream. ]

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