Bug#876434: [new check] detect outdated use of dpkg-parsechangelog | grep

2017-09-22 Thread Chris West
Package: lintian Version: 2.5.53 Priority: wishlist Dear maintainer, Many packages contain invocations such as: DEB_VERSION=$(shell dpkg-changelog | grep '^Version' | cut ...) https://codesearch.debian.net/search?q=path%3Adebian%2Frules+shell+dpkg-parsechangelog Since dpkg 1.17 (available in "

Bug#860419: lintian: Please detect symlinks to /build, /tmp, etc.

2017-04-16 Thread Chris West
Package: lintian Version: 2.5.50 Priority: wishlist X-Debugs-CC: reproducible-b...@lists.alioth.debian.org There are packages which contain symlinks to places that exit only on the build machine. I am guessing that this will almost certainly be a bug. For example, sugar-memorize-activity's binary