Hello Andreas,

Thank you for instructions for using dch, I hope now I got it right.

1) I edited patch use_debian_packaged_seqtk.patch so I guess the problem
with seqtk should be resolved now.

2) I have this error on Ubuntu xenial, Debian jessie and after you
mentioned that it's better to use unstable version, I tried Debian sid
(amd64) and still got problems with RcppGSL.
That stand-alone test returns exit code 1 with message "Missing the
following R library RcppGSL". And for commented tests in run-unit-test file
the message is "Cannot use --stats-only with missing R libraries".

Regards, Nadiya

On Fri, Mar 24, 2017 at 3:32 AM, Andreas Tille <andr...@an3as.eu> wrote:

> Hi Nadiya,
> thanks for your work on this.  It seems you've hit a non-trival example
> but that's no problem but rather a challenge, right?
> At first I've fixed debian/changelog.  It seems you always called
>     dch -i
> which is for each call bumping the Debian release.  Please use the -i
> option only once.  Even better use
>     dch --team
> since this adds the "Team upload" entry which marks the upload in a way
> that lintian (the Debian policy checker) does not claim that the
> changelog owner is not listed as Uploader in debian/control.
> Please git pull to see the result.
> On Thu, Mar 23, 2017 at 09:55:37PM -0700, Nadiya Sitdykova wrote:
> > I've added tests of examples from here
> > https://ginolhac.github.io/mapDamage/#a5 But only two of them works
> fine.
> Hmm, I admit I get a strange error even here:
> mapDamage -i rescale_test/pe_test/pe.sam -r rescale_test/pe_test/ref.fa
> Started with the command: /usr/bin/mapDamage -i
> rescale_test/pe_test/pe.sam -r rescale_test/pe_test/ref.fa
>         Reading from 'rescale_test/pe_test/pe.sam'
>         Writing results to 'results_pe/'
> pdf results_pe/Fragmisincorporation_plot.pdf generated
> No length distributions are available, plotting length distribution only
> works for single-end reads
> Error: Seqtk failed: [Errno 2] No such file or directory
> I applied all patches via
>    quilt push -a
> and checked for occurences of seqtk via:
> mapdamage(master) $ grep -Riw Seqtk | grep -v -e "^\." -e "^debian"
> mapdamage/composition.py:    path_to_seqtk = mapdamage.rscript.construct_
> path("seqtk",folder="seqtk")
> mapdamage/composition.py:        sys.stderr.write("Error: Seqtk failed:
> %s\n" % (error,))
> bin/mapDamage:    fpath_seqtk = '/usr/bin/seqtk'
> bin/mapDamage:        sys.stderr.write("Seqtk executable not accessible;
> mapDamage has not\n"
> So it seems that in mapdamage/composition.py the path to seqtk is not
> properly assembled.  Would you mind checking this?
> > Other two "Cannot use --<option> with missing R-libraries", so it seems
> > they need recommended r-cran-rcppgsl package. I created simple
> stand-alone
> > test with this package in depends to demonstrate that something goes
> wrong
> > with installing RcppGSL. I looked at the source code here
> > https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/debian-med/mapdamage.git/
> tree/mapdamage/Rscripts/stats/checkLibraries.R
> > and
> > it looks like after package installation "library(RcppGSL)" doesn't load
> > library correctly.
> Hmmm, GSL rings a bell for me.  There was a gsl library transistion.
> Are you using a current Debian testing or unstable system?  If not that
> might be the cause of the issue.  May be you explain more verbosely
> what exactly you mean by "doesn't load library correctly"?
> I get
> $ mapDamage --check-R-packages
> All R packages are present
> After checking mapdamage/rscript.py what R packages are really checked I
> added some R packages as real Depends.  I personally follow the strategy
> to use Depends if a package is needed to run the full test suite.  While
> I actually learned from your commits that you can work around this via
> "needs-recommends" (its nice to learn when mentoring ;-) ) I'm sure
> users really want to have the full functionality.
> In summary please do the following:
>   1. Check why seqtk is not found in mapdamage/composition.py
>      my guess is that the current quilt patch is incomplete.
>   2. If the R test keeps on failing please provide more information
> Thanks again for your work on this
>      Andreas.
> PS: Regarding the time delay you mentioned in your other mail:  That's
>     fine - we have team members in different time zones. :-)
> --
> http://fam-tille.de

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